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Epistola De Melchor Ocampo Completa Pdf Free

We should also mention his participation in the Spanish campaign of the International and in its Central Organ, the General Union of the International Workers. Almost all of his articles were addressed to the organization, and the majority were texts of great length from which he made the case for the union of all free workers, men and women, and to the struggle for the universal union of all organized and unorganized workers that would become the International. [62]

It was in this context that Gonzlez Prada took a decisive step. He decided to go into exile and to join the growing anarchist movement. He had already been an active participant in the various anarchist activities in the capital; [697] now he called himself, for the first time, as an anarchist. And he thought of starting a publishing project that would be ideologically consistent. He was looking for someone who shared his ideas; someone who came from his region and had a facility for the dialect that he had mastered for eight years in the ministry of education, and already knew how to write, through the pseudonym of Melchor Ocampo. In the early months of 1872 he was like Kropotkin in the intellectual father of libertarian thought. They received the greetings of Kropotkin in Switzerland and he wrote to them of the enthusiasm of the Russian unionists. [698] The word they wrote when they saw the name of the Mexican exile was an inspiration and a challenge. The first issue of the paper El Socialista appeared in Mxico City on April 9, 1872, and the new appellation appeared for the first time:

The paper made its debut at a moment when the anarchism movement had experienced the growth of a significant influence that was expressed at the Paris Congress of the First International. [699] While the Paris congress was discussing measures to protect the workers from the exploitation of their employers, the anarchy movement was suffering a significant setback in the revolts of Lyons. In Mxico it was also experiencing a major crisis. This is what so alarmed Rodakanaty, Prada, Villavicencio, Villanueva and their friends, and led them to arrange a meeting with Kropotkin to discuss how to overcome this evolution. They met in Geneva on March 4, 1874 and nothing happened. The next day, Gonzales Prada, Villavicencio and Villanueva left on a trip to Spain, to join the anarchist circles in Montjuic. Kropotkin was left to lead the group of anarchists in Geneva. He was in the hands of the French and Swiss government. The anarchists would not be allowed to leave the United States and they could not join in the meetings in Spain. Nevertheless, they went to every opportunity to discuss the proposals, the fate of the refugees, the geography, the mythology, the education of the children, the free labor, the exiles, the free love, and other issues. The basis for the word was, of course, the second International; but the proposal developed, Kropotkin explains in one of his books (Years of Struggle), is that which occurs in the anarcho-communist circle in France in 1867. He says:









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