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School Days Hq Nodvd

School Days Hq Nodvd

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School Days Hq Nodvd

but as much as i love that a witch and a vampire worked together for a noble cause – i really wish neither of them had to get involved in the first place. in faith’s case, what began as a child-focused investigation turned into an adult problem when she got too involved. the story of buffy’s school also has a no-win conclusion for buffy. faith had to kill the vampire teacher, drusilla, to save angel in order for nadira to survive. if you know a little about buffy’s history, you know she doesnt play well with vampires, and faith had to remind her that there really arent any adults around.

what was ultimately more disappointing for me was the story arcs of angel and fred. i want to have faith in my buffy fans. they are invested in the show. they write in and talk to me about it. yet, theres always something bad about it – like a drug addict who cant stop using, angel and fred. the characters are inconsistent. they veer from one storyline or story arc to another. every arc is either an excellent or an abysmal one, and thats been a constant theme. this article isnt just about my disappointment, it’s about anyone who has a human being with any kind of issues theyre dealing with.

while faith is a terrible example of the issue with continuity, the school story has been incredibly consistent, starting with angelus. as buffy tells spike, she knew angel when she was just one person, the one who approached her first, alone, in the library. angel stayed through the sunnydale high school experience, and she knew he was only a part of her life. he was one of several men she dated. he was one of the men she loved who didnt love her back, and the loss of that person was devastating. but he wasnt all there. the rest of the series has been full of the same thing. there are just so many faces of angel; he cant be a whole person. but it doesn’t matter. as best as we can, we love and identify with those characters and try to put the parts of them we love onscreen.









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