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Shaka Zulu Movie ((HOT)) Free Download


Shaka Zulu Movie Free Download

the use of the assegai allowed him to become an effective leader of the military. shaka had commanded an army of several thousand men by the time he was 25. these were divided into separate regiments, with some other men acting as scouts and riding ahead to watch for the enemy.

despite a military career that spanned most of his life, shaka never had any formal training. his men and women were his primary source of learning and education. through extensive practice, they were able to adapt the techniques of war to the terrain and climate of zululand. at the age of 40, he had achieved a position of power beyond the dreams of most zulu men. he was a highly-skilled military tactician, was able to pick out weaker enemy forces and knew when to use his military forces to their maximum advantage. he was also a skilled administrator, who improved the economy, strengthened the zulu nation and encouraged its expansion.

because of his leadership, the zulu people became very successful, especially in the area of war, which later spread throughout the region. the zulu were the most successful african people in the history of the world. by the mid-19th century, the zulu nation covered an area larger than the british empire, including present-day south africa, lesotho, swaziland, zimbabwe, mozambique and parts of botswana and namibia. the zulu were also strong, with an area covering 1.5 million square kilometres and a population of more than 2 million. this was spread over about a hundred different tribes, groups and clans.

the conflict between the british and zulu is another story in itself. in the popular imagination, the british are portrayed as winning every encounter, and the zulu as defeated and humiliated. however, the british were no match for shaka’s military expertise, and by the time of the anglo-zulu war, he had gained complete dominance over the zulus, and, although defeated, it was a war of attrition and shaka did not have to fight an all-out war to win.

sigidi was one of the sons of mkhize, a chief in the area of the great fish river. in the early 1770s, sigidi’s father sent him to zululand to meet his uncle dingiswayo, dingiswayo’s son, in order to discuss some of the disputes in their people’s lands. although dingiswayo had many children, he wanted shaka to marry one of his daughters.
when shaka arrived, the zulu were living in three areas and were ruled by a number of tribal leaders. dingiswayo was the chieftain of a group of people, the amangqika, who lived near the umfolozi river and were subordinate to the amangqika of the amathembu tribe. dingiswayo’s nephews, the amangqika amamthethwa and amamthethwa, ruled over the amampondo. the amabuthelezi clan lived near the boundary between the zulu and the amampondo and were under their rule, but they were subject to dingiswayo’s authority.
the zulu people were also at war with the langeni, a group of people who lived in the area of the ghaandiba river, on the border of the zulu and the amampondo. the langeni raided zulu territory at will, in an effort to steal cattle and destroy crops. the zulu people were led by a chief named umshedeli, or shaka. shaka was the son of umbuyazi, who had gone to the langeni to avenge the many cattle raids on zulu territory. shaka had defeated the langeni several times and was growing in strength and confidence. but dingiswayo wanted to weaken shaka, and he encouraged the langeni to attack shaka’s people again. the langeni destroyed shaka’s men, took the women and children as slaves and killed the men. shaka’s wife was killed in this attack, and this caused him to be hostile and to seek revenge. in 1787, when dingiswayo’s nephews and their forces were pillaging the people of the amampondo, shaka attacked them. he defeated them, killed their leader, and took his people to zululand. shaka was now a power to be reckoned with and his following grew as the people of the zulu were divided among themselves and wanted to be ruled by a strong leader. shaka was dingiswayo’s nephew and he became the leader of the zulu.





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